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Joining Our Team



We are an equal opportunity employer and encourage applications from people in the LGBTIQA+, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, disability and culturally diverse communities, as well as those with lived experience in areas in which we work.

Our application process is simple, transparent and committed to putting the right person into the right role for them. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Watch our Job Search page and LinkedIn: we are always looking for dynamic people from diverse backgrounds to join our team in a variety of roles.
  2. Do not get distracted by the details: We are committed to finding the right fit for our organisation and we want to hear from you even if you do not have all the skills and experience listed. We know great people do not always tick every box and we’re committed to supporting your development. If you are unsure, reach out to the hiring managers who are listed in our adverts.
  3. Personalise your resume and cover letter: review the position description and incorporate your relevant experience (employment, volunteering, placement, etc.) and skills into your resume. Put a personal touch on your cover letter and tell us why you are interested in working for us and why the role is right for you.
  4. Share your accessibility needs: we will work with you to ensure a safe, supportive and affirming workplace and address any barriers you may experience to full participation.
  5. Trust the process: we give all applications fair consideration, which can sometimes mean it takes us a few weeks to get back to you. If your application is shortlisted, we will let you know and arrange a time for an interview. If not, we encourage you to keep looking for other opportunities that might suit your skills and experience. Panel interviews may be held via video call or in person, and will discuss the key criteria for the role. We will contact you after your interview to let you know how you went and share our feedback.
  6. Review your offer and paperwork: if you receive an offer of employment – congratulations! – review it in detail and complete the associated paperwork so we can conduct professional referee checks, police checks, Working with Children and NDIS checks. Once these are complete, we will send you a formal, written offer of employment to sign.
  7. Get onboard with our onboarding process: once you have signed your offer of employment, we will send you a link to our online onboarding process. It covers key forms to fill out, training to complete and more.
  8. Celebrate!: take a moment to celebrate your success. We are excited to have you join our team!